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- Journal AWWA - Sensor Network Design of Contamination Warning Systems: A Decision Framework
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
The authors describe a decision framework forselecting sensor monitoring locations for a contaminationwarning system. Using the threat ensemblevulnerability assessment and sensor placement optimizationtool (TEVA-SPOT) to determine sensorplacement, a utility can eliminate the guessinggame of where to best locate sensors. Specifically,sensor locations can be selected to protect againstvarious contamination threats and optimize thesecurity objectives important to the utility whileat the same time restricting possible monitoring locationsto a set of locations identified as feasible bythe water utility.To implement TEVA-SPOT successfully, utilities willneed to have an accurate and up-to-date hydraulic andquality network model and be willing to commit personnelto investigate potential sensor locations. By followingthe approach detailed in this article, water utilities cangain an understanding of contamination incidents'potential effects on public health and utility infrastructureas well as insight into the ways a contaminationwarning system can mitigate these effects. Includes 32 references, tables, figures.