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- Journal AWWA - Assessing Escherichia coli Removal in the Schmutzdecke of Slow-Rate Biofilters
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 12/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
When designed and operated properly, slow-ratebiological filters (e.g. slow sand or riverbank filters) aresuccessful at removing pathogens such as Escherichiacoli for drinking water treatment. However, the exactmechanisms involved with pathogen removal in theschmutzdecke have not been well-defined. A betterunderstanding of the removal mechanisms at work inbiofilters will allow engineers to design more effectivefilters and allow operators to improve performance bycreating conditions amenable to the most importantremoval mechanisms.Water suppliers can use the findings reported in thisarticle to improve the performance of existing biofiltersby adjusting operations in ways that increase biofilmgrowth and activity and protistan activity in theschmutzdecke. They can also structure pilot studies toimprove design or operation by focusing on the removalmechanisms presented in the article. It is hoped that theinformation in this article will encourage suppliers toconsider biological filtration as an alternative to othertreatment technologies for meeting regulatory standardsor their internal water quality goals. Includes 29 references, tables, figures.
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