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- Journal AWWA - Total Water Management Strategies for Utility Master Planning
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 02/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
Increasing demands on water resources and theassociated stresses of continued populationgrowth, land-use changes, and climate uncertaintyrequire water managers to use more innovativeapproaches to long-term water management planning.A total water management (TWM) approachintegrates management of the watershed, watersupply sources, land-use practices, and relatedresources to provide sustainable supplies whileconsidering equitable economic and social considerationsand promoting a healthy ecosystem. Theauthors describe a TWM plan implemented by theClayton County Water Authority in Atlanta, Georgia,and examine how this approach has been usedsuccessfully to meet long-term water supply andwastewater management needs, even duringexcessive drought conditions. This article opensthe door to further applications of reclaimedwater to keep supply reservoirs full even duringsevere droughts. Includes 8 references.