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- Journal AWWA - Demonstrating 4-log Adenovirus Inactivation in a Medium-Pressure UV Disinfection Reactor
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 04/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
For systems considering ultraviolet (UV) disinfectionand requiring virus inactivation of 3 to 4logs, adenovirus appears likely to be the limitingorganism in determining reactor design and UVdose. In its Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface WaterTreatment Rule regulations, the U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency reported that inactivation ofadenoviruses to a level of 4 logs requires a UV doseof 186 mJ/cm<sup>2</sup>.Recent bench-scale studies indicate that full-scalemedium-pressure (MP) UV systems may be capableof achieving significant inactivation of adenovirusat lower UV doses than are possible with low-pressuresystems. In this study, a protocol for field-scaletesting and validation of adenovirus disinfection byMP UV light was developed and used to perform alive adenovirus challenge test showing the level ofadenovirus inactivation possible in a field-scale UVdisinfection system. The reactor studied here demonstratedthat MP UV irradiation technology canachieve > 4-log reduction at economically viableUV doses lower than 100 mJ/cm<sup>2</sup>. Includes 16 references, tables, figures.