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- Journal AWWA - Women's Advancement: One Engineering Firm's Pathway to Leadership
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 08/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
In the traditionally male-dominated industry ofengineering and construction, CH2M HILL providesa model for advancing female employees toachieve business success. The Women's LeadershipInitiative uses the company's long-standing inclusiveworkplace to accelerate women's advancementand includes internal and external components,including Women's Network Chapters, Women'sLeadership Summits, and outreach to philanthropicand community organizations. Since theinitiative was launched in 2003, women's representationin CH2M HILL senior leadership positionssuch as business unit heads, geographicregion leaders, and top managers has increasedfrom 2.9 to 18%.The Women's Leadership Initiative illustrates thestrong business case for supporting women'sadvancement to leadership and demonstrates thatbusinesses can benefit from fresh thinking andcommitment to making women in the workplace atop priority. The initiative has been so successfulthat it now provides a model for other workforcediversity efforts, both in the engineering and constructionsectors as well as other industries. Includes table, figure.