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- Journal AWWA - State of the Industry Report 2009: Tough Times Today May Point the Industry Toward a More Sustainable Future
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 10/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
Since 2004 the State of the Industry (SOTI) surveyhas taken a snapshot of the water industry and itsworkforce at a particular moment in time. Every year,the SOTI report captures how the industry and itspeople are reacting to political, economical, and socialchanges taking place.In this sixth installment of AWWA's annual study ofissues confronting the water industry, survey participantszeroed in on the turbulent economy and its ramifications.Business factors shot to the top of the list as acritical concern in 2009, followed by source water,infrastructure, and regulatory matters as well as otherperennial issues, including workforce, macro factors,water treatment, and security.Given the economic climate, it should come as nosurprise that optimism about the soundness of the industrycontinued to erode. Yet even amidst the economicdownturn and disappearing credit markets, SOTI participantscame up with ideas and insights for building amore sustainable future for the water industry. Includes tables, figures.
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