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- Journal AWWA - Occurrence of Naegleria fowleri in Arizona Drinking Water Supply Wells
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
Drinking water that is supplied from groundwaterwells is often not treated before distribution to consumers.The recent association in Arizona betweennonchlorinated drinking water and Naegleria fowleriinfection suggests that head immersion in a nonchlorinatedwater source could lead to transmission ofthe organism. The study that is presented in thisarticle was undertaken to determine the occurrenceof N. fowleri in drinking water wells in Arizona. Theoutcome of the research was that N. fowleri wasdetected in 10.6% of the wells studied.Water suppliers should consider monitoring theirwells for the presence of Naegleria fowleri, particularlyin states with warmer waters. If the organism is found,utilities should consider treating such waters prior to distributionto increase the level of public health protectionbecause the presence of such a pathogen in untreatedwell water may pose a public health threat. Includes 24 references, tables, figure.
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