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- Journal AWWA - Conjunctive Use in India's Varada River Basin
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
Like many areas of the world, the Varada RiverBasin in India's state of Karnataka is faced withincreased demand for domestic and agricultural wateruse. Agricultural activities in the area are predominantlycontrolled by the monsoon rains from June to September,when three fourths of the area's annual rainfalloccurs. For the rest of the year, water resources arerelatively scarce, prompting the Karnataka state governmentto initiate a watershed development program, JalNirmal, with assistance from the World Bank. As partof these development efforts, the authors formulated amodel based on linear programming that optimizesallocation of river water and groundwater subjected tostream flow and hydraulic constraints. Anticipatingincreases in water demand, the model includes policyscenarios that check future sustainability of the system.Conjunctive-use policy presented in this article isa new initiative in efficient use of water resources forregions that experience scarcity or uneven distributionof water resources. Includes 17 references, tables, figures.
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