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- Journal AWWA - High-Contact, Hands-On Outreach Program Changes Customers' Water Use Behavior
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 02/01/2010
- Publisher: AWWA
This article discusses a pilot program conducted by the city of Phoenix, Arizona, to examinemethods for promoting indoor and outdoor water savings amongsingle-family households. BBC Research & Consulting (BBC) ofDenver, Colorado, conducted in-home visits with residential customersin 36 homes in August and September 2007. The purpose ofthe visits was to better understand how customers perceive and use water, testacceptance of personalized water conservation tips and technologies, gaugewater use behaviors, and gather preliminary evidence on what effect suchvisits might have on single-family water use. The article summarizesthe effect of the in-homevisits, including any changes in:reported behavior of householdsrelated to water use;household appliances, fixtures,and other water-using characteristicsof the home; and, recorded water use, based on ananalysis of water use records providedby the city of Phoenix for theperiod 2006-08. Includes table, figures.