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- Journal AWWA - A Game Plan for Aging Water Infrastructure
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 04/01/2010
- Publisher: AWWA
The aging water infrastructure (AWI)dilemma requires a straightforward road mapto address the issue as a financial problem. Thebasic steps should be understood by waterutility management, politicians, and membersof the public. Once this common ground isestablished, collaborative partnerships can beformed and professionals from a variety ofdisciplines can work through the steps.The game plan presented in this article usesthe AWI solution cycle to offer basic steps to -- among other things -- reduce costs, find everyavailable funding source, create new partnerships,conduct condition assessments, communicatewith the stakeholders, address rateaffordability challenges, build an asset managementprogram, and achieve sustainability.As these basic steps are followed,cost efficiencies will occur and costly mistakeswill be avoided. In addition, overall asset riskwill decrease, and infrastructure investmentfunding gaps will be reduced.In order to move forward on AWI, thefocus must be shifted from an engineeringproblem to a financial problem. Likewise,moving forward with condition assessmentahead of a total asset management programoffers small and medium utilities a chance tobetter allocate funding and reduce risk earlyin the process. Includes 26 references.