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- Journal AWWA - Application of the Microbial Decay Factor to Maintain Chloramine in Large Tanks
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 04/01/2010
- Publisher: AWWA
Microbial acceleration of chloramine decaymakes maintaining adequate residual in largetanks and reservoirs a challenge for utilities.In the Sydney Water distribution system inAustralia, a major tank regularly experiencednitrification, resulting in near zero residualsduring summer and autumn. To combat theproblem, the authors developed a controlcycle based on the microbial decay factor, arelatively new quantitative tool that separatesthe contribution of chemical and microbialprocesses to overall chloramine decay. Theapproach provides a sensitive indication ofthe onset of accelerated chloramine decay andrequires early action and ongoing adaptivemanagement of chloramine using simple measurableparameters.Although traditional indicators of nitrification(e.g., ammonia, nitrite) provide valuableinformation, they do not show the effect ofnitrification on chloramine decay characteristics.Measurement of these characteristics via themicrobial decay factor method and better insightinto the microbial and chemical decay presentcan help utilities assess system status and consequentlybetter manage the residual. Includes 14 references, tables, figures.