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- Journal AWWA - Effective Management of Large-Diameter Pressure Pipes
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 04/01/2010
- Publisher: AWWA
Managing large-diameter pressurized pipeassets poses a challenge for numerous reasons.Pipes may be of different materials and ages,are usually buried (which makes inspectionproblematic), and are subject to multiple, complexdeterioration processes. The Water ServicesAssociation of Australia and its membersfelt that the maturity and effectiveness of conditionassessment approaches varied considerablyand that the benefits of inspection andsubsequent condition assessments were notalways fully realized. As part of research toimprove the effective use of pipe conditionassessment, case studies of industry practicewere developed to highlight varied approaches.The article offers insights into the waysthat the Australian water sector conductscondition assessment of large-diameter pressurepipes and provides a flow chartdesigned to help utility managers betterunderstand how condition assessment fitsinto an overall management strategy. Watersuppliers can use the information to refinetheir own condition assessment strategiesand determine the data they need to betterguide their decision-making. Includes 20 references, tables, figures.