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- Journal AWWA - Performance of Ductile-Iron Pipe in Earthquake/Seismic Zones
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 05/01/2010
- Publisher: AWWA
Recent earthquakes worldwide haveshown the vulnerability of pipelines atlocations of ground rupture as a result ofsoil liquefaction, landslides, or fault slippage.Although earthquake-inducedground shaking is known to cause majordamage to pipelines constructed of brittlematerials and/or rigid joints, most currentpipeline construction materials have rubber-gasketed joints that are sufficientlyflexible to prevent damaging stress buildupas a result of seismic excitation and movement.Ductile-iron pipe has become theleader in water and sewer piping for distributionand transmission mains up to 64 diameter because it is a strong resilientpipe with flexible joints and because ofrecent technological advances in restrained,flexible expansion/contraction couplingsfor seismic areas. Pipelines subject to seismicforces must have high strength andflexibility. Good jointing techniques mustbe practiced, thereby enabling the pipelineto increase or shorten in length and torotate or bend without leakage, failure, orinterruption to service.Includes 9 references, table, figure.
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