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- Journal AWWA - Lossless Network Skeletonization
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 09/01/2010
- Publisher: AWWA
Skeletonization, the reduction of datarequired to represent the hydraulic performanceof a pipe network, is used to model watersystems that otherwise would exceed the practicallimitations of computer processing. Losslessnetwork skeletonization achieves the majorobjective of traditional skeletonization butavoids the adverse effects on model results thatoften stem from traditional skeletonization.The hydraulic model methodologydescribed in this article offers significantadvantages over previously available methodsand foregoes some of the shortcuts used inthose methods, such as not actually closingpipes. The ability to provide computationalefficiency and correct results in situations inwhich other solution methods do notlead to increased levels of confidence and newapplications for hydraulic network models.Hydraulic network modeling is essentialfor many aspects of water system operation,including operational problem-solving, automatedoperation, planning, and water qualityanalysis. Improved methods for hydraulicnetwork solutions should have positive consequencesfor all of these applications.Includes 6 references, tables, figures.