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- Journal AWWA - Estrogenic Activity of U.S. Drinking Waters: A Relative Exposure Comparison
- Journal Article by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2010
- Publisher: AWWA
Although the presence of pharmaceuticals,personal care products, and endocrine disruptingchemicals in water does not necessarilyimply risk and may be many timeshigher in air and food than in water, thisarticle provides a context for understandingthe presence of such compounds in drinkingwater. Indicators of estrogenic activity,which have been used in some contexts toevaluate the presence of contaminants, canalso produce a positive response from naturalcompounds in foods such as soy and inplant-based products. Thus, such indicatorsmay not be an appropriate measurement orharbinger of risk.This study can help utility managers andpersonnel educate themselves and the publicby providing a way to understand the meaningof finding trace levels of organic contaminantsin water. The perceived risk of emergingcontaminants in drinking water must be carefullybalanced with the known environmentaland monetary costs of energy-intensive treatmentprocesses and the known risks ofdietary and airborne exposure to these andother contaminants.Includes 70 references, tables, figures.
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