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- Competitive Organizational Redesign and Downsizing of the Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2001
- Publisher: AWWA
Public water and wastewater utility managers increasingly face the challenge ofcontrolling costs without reducing the quality of services that they provide tothe public. Competitive utilities successfully apply aggressive methods andstrategies to reduce costs. The basis for competition is the principle that,through re-engineering and adoption of efficient business practices, includingselective outsourcing, a utility can become at least as efficient andcost-effective as private companies. The escalating trend to outsource coreservices, such as treatment plant operation and maintenance, has created asignificant counter movement within public organizations to apply many of thesame strategies employed by private service providers. This is the approach,described in this paper, that has been taken by the Green Bay MetropolitanSewerage District of Green Bay, Wisconsin. Includes figures.
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