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- More Than a One-Night Stand--Innovative Partnering to Accomplish Long-Term Organizational and Community Objectives
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2001
- Publisher: AWWA
Las Virgenes Municipal Water District (LVMWD) of Calabasas, California, is a smallgovernmental agency that provides water, wastewater service, recycled water, andbiosolids composting for 65,000 residents in the Santa Monica Mountains. TheDistrict made a customer service commitment to fully involve and engage customersand stakeholders. This paper describes the ways in which LVMWD has approachedthis including water conservation education, in-school water conservationeducation, and other community projects unrelated to water but that supportcommunity objectives. LVMWD has also developed innovativepartnerships with its customers such as contract agreements with large landownersto allow waste spraying.
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