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- GASB 34 Regulations and Asset Infrastructure Management
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2001
- Publisher: AWWA
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) new guideline, Statement No.34, is intended to directly reconcile the statements for government funds,presented in the traditional way, with the full accrual government-widestatements. There are a number of important changes that GASB 34 will requiregovernments to make in the next few years. The most important of these areinfrastructure reporting, and depreciation accounting. For public entities thatdo not have a sound asset management program, the time to start is now as theplanning required to create an asset management program and capture all the datapertaining to a various asset will require extensive time and resources. Thispaper discusses the GASB 34 regulations and asset infrastructure management.
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