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- Avoiding Rate Shock: Making the Case for Water Rates
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 02/01/2005
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation outlines information on the AWWA publication, "Avoiding Rate Shock: Making the Case for Water Rates." Goals of the project include:analyze how community decision-makersset goals;explore how utilities can align rateswith the best interests of thecommunities they serve; and,provide practical tools for buildingstakeholder support for necessary rateincreases. Findings of in-depth interviews withvarious categories of stakeholders included: water is under-valued, whichincreases challenges in gettingrate increases accepted; consistent communicationpromotes credibility & acceptance; it's never too late to start doing theright thing - think long-term andplan beyond the current crisis; and, billingpracticesand ratestructureoptions canaffectcustomerreactionsandacceptanceof rateincreases.