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- Asset Management Implementation at a Mid Sized Utility - One Size Does NOT Fit All!!!!
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 02/01/2005
- Publisher: AWWA
The City of Asheville's water system serves approximately 48,000 accounts in the City ofAsheville and the counties of Buncombe and Henderson, North Carolina. The water systemincludes approximately 1,200 miles of pipe and three water treatment plants. Current staffinglevels for the utility are at 115. The Water Resources Department undertook the development ofa comprehensive Asset Management Program in mid 2003. This multifaceted program currentlybeing implemented includes elements for enhanced preventative maintenance, development ofasset plans, development of an enhanced asset information management system, asset conditionmonitoring programs, and development of a refurbishment and replacement (R&R) funding plan.The initial efforts have resulted in adoption of an "asset management mindset" in almost allaspects of the operation. For instance, one outcome is the possibility of seasonal or off peakoperation of one of the water treatment plants that has the potential to reduce operating costs byas much as $700,000 per year.The implementation process is being conducted by a series of employee led workgroups that arefocusing on specific aspects of the utility, including preventative maintenance, asset informationsystems, and asset plans. These workgroups are being facilitated and supported by consultantsfrom Brown and Caldwell. The overall effort is being guided by an Asset Management Teamcomposed of senior Utility managers and leaders from other key City departments such asFinance and Information Systems.