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- Conservation with Dollars and Sense
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District Conservation Initiative. Conservation program considerations include:select management practices that cost less to implementthan the next unit of water; focus on peak management to directly impact capitaldeferment;focus on programs that reduce or defer impendinginfrastructure - reducing capital requirements reduces thedemand for revenue;focus conservation initiatives in locations where impendinginfrastructure is needed soonest; and,include estimates for yearly consumption reductions andprogram costs in the annual budgeting process. Financial effects of successful conservation are presented. Immediate short-term effects includereduced water usage results in declining revenues, andpotentially results in rate increases to cover debt and/orsatisfy cash flow needs.Positive long-term effects include the following:deferment of capital projects; reduced need for future water resources;maximization of existing water resources; and,demonstrated efficient use of resources - valuablewhen applying for future allocations.
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