• AWWA MTC53714
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  • Financing & Installing Membrane Filtration to Comply With the Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 05/01/2001
  • Publisher: AWWA


The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed the Long Term 1 EnhancedSurface Water Treatment Rule (LT1ESWTR) in accordance with the 1996 Amendmentsto the Safe Drinking Water Act. This regulation will provide added public healthprotection for millions of Americans served by small surface water systems (systemsserving fewer than 10,000 persons). The rule (scheduled for promulgation in the nearfuture) will require small systems to meet strengthened filtration limits in order to controlfor the potentially lethal microbe Cryptosporidium. In an effort to comply with this new rule, many small systems will be faced with ahost of compliance choices. Systems may choose to consolidate with surroundingcommunities, make operational changes to existing treatment, or even purchase andinstall brand new treatment plants. One of the newest options for systems is theinstallation of membrane filtration. Significant study has already been completedregarding the design considerations and effectiveness of membrane filtration as atreatment technology. However, little focus has been given to the practical application atsmall systems with respect to affordability. This paper provides a look at several of theimportant concepts surrounding the decision to install membrane filtration as well as abrief analysis of the issue of affordability for small systems. It is also intended to shedlight on the role that membrane filtration may play in the context of meeting theLT1ESWTR. Includes 23 references, figures.

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