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- Ferric Chloride Pretreatment Improves Membrane Performance: Pilot Results for Denver's New 30 MGD Water Reclamation Plant
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 05/01/2001
- Publisher: AWWA
A five-month pilot study of two membrane systems was conducted on secondaryeffluent to evaluate their effectiveness and cost for Denver, Colorado's new 30million gallons per day (mgd) water reclamation plant. An immersed,vacuum-driven, ultrafiltration membrane system (Zenon Environmental Systems) anda pressure-driven microfiltration membrane system (Pall Corporation) were testedto determine the performance of the membrane systems with regards to the requiredwater quality goals and to determine each membrane system's optimum operatingparameters to be utilized for full-scale pricing and design. The Zenon membranesystem operated successfully at 32 gfd and the Pall system operated successfullyat 40 gfd. The addition of ferric chloride to the feed water, which was requiredto precipitate and remove phosphorus from the flow stream, significantly improvedthe performance of both membrane systems. After the initial phase of pilottesting was completed, a present worth cost evaluation was conducted comparing aconventional, high-rate filtration treatment system to the Pall and Zenonmembranes. Membrane costs were 20% to 60% higher than high-rate conventionalfiltration for this application. Includes tables, figures.