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- The Multi Barrier Concept, is it Necessary?
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 05/01/2001
- Publisher: AWWA
Historically, the tenet of using several barriers to protect drinking water andensure the delivery of potable water to the consumer consisted of more than justa series of unit treatment processes integrated into a treatment process train.Then, as now, the use of multiple barriers included elements such as source waterprotection and a properly designed and operated distribution system with eachelement of the multiple barrier system providing an independent means ofpreventing contaminants from reaching the consumer. The importance of maintainingeach element of a multiple barrier system to microbial contaminants should not beunderstated. As one element of the multiple barrier system, it is important toensure that the integrity and strength of the multiple treatment barrier ismaintained. The procedures and techniques highlighted in this paper provide themeans for ensuring that alternative technologies do not reduce the effectivenessor the reliability of the treatment process trains accepted as industry standardsand in the long run provide the means for evaluating the strength of thetreatment barrier so that a means of rational tradeoff or improvement can be madeby risk managers. The continued use of performance based standards as defined bya specific process train in lieu of establishing maximum contaminant levels(MCLs) requires the development of a rational approach to examine combinations ofunit processes that may previously not have been tested adequately. It is withinthis framework that the multibarrier concept can be used to provide policymakerswith tools necessary to manage and regulate these new technologies. Anyalternative technology must be able to maintain performance without sacrificingreliability. Stated in another way, an alternative treatment unit must beequivalent, not only in performance (strength), but in reliability. Includes 10 references, tables, figures.