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- ZENON Introduces a New Reinforced Hollow Fiber Membrane System
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/05/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
ZENON Environmental has introduced a new reinforced hollow-fiber membrane system based onits highly successful ZeeWeed 500 series of membrane. This system has been designedspecifically for large-scale drinking water and wastewater plants where moderate to high levels ofsuspended solids are present in the water to be treated. The ZeeWeed system uses vacuum togenerate a differential pressure across the membrane. This allows the membrane to be used in avery high solids environment in an open tank and achieve economies of scale that are notavailable to pressurized systems.This paper describes the main reasons why the new product was developed, the benefits it offersthe end user, and results from pilot and demonstration test work. Design examples explain howthe product is applied to actual projects currently under design in North America andinternationally. Guidance is given on how to design large drinking water treatment plants usingthe new system. For example, methods of mixing, flocculation, two-stage membrane filtrationand residuals handling are recommended. Includes figures.
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