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- Membrane Fouling: A Physicochemical Perspective
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/05/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
The objective of this paper was to provide a framework for understanding fouling from a physicochemicalperspective.Fouling results from interactions between fouling materials and membranemedium, interactions between fouling materials, and interactions between foulingmaterials and aquatic environments. Therefore, the understanding of those interactions isthe key to understanding the fouling phenomenon and it is the basis for developing betterproducts and processes to control fouling. At a very fundamental level, those interactionscan be classified and described based on physicochemical principles. Those interactionsinclude chemical binding, electrostatic, steric, van der Waals, and hydrophobic. Adiscussion of how those interactions would relate to membrane fouling and the effects ofsome physicochemical factors in an aquatic environment on membrane fouling ispresented.Natural organic matter (NOM) has been identified as a major fouling componentfor microfiltration and ultrafiltration membranes, especially when applied to surfacewater filtration. This paper discusses the physicochemical properties of NOM, and howthose properties may affect fouling potential. A better understanding of foulingmechanisms may help to develop more effective strategies for fouling control and prevention. Includes 35 references, table, figures.
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