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- Procurement and Performance Testing Results for the US's Largest Membrane Water Treatment Plant: The Minneapolis Water Works Experience
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/05/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
The Minneapolis Water Works (MWW), located in Minneapolis, Minnesota is currentlyin the process of developing two low-pressure membrane treatment facilities with acombined capacity of 160-MGD. MWW is employing several novel approaches to theimplementation of these membrane projects. This paper presents the results of theprocurement process and the associated performance testing results. The MWW process resulted in the utility receivingfour proposals, and the performance testing of two systems. The importance of the operational data in evaluating the bids necessitated a uniquetesting schedule. It was necessary to provide the membrane vendors an opportunity tooptimize their operating conditions to ascertain those that are most cost effective.However, it was also necessary to collect data over a sufficient period of time at steadyoperating conditions to ensure the bid specifications were met and to verify designparameters accordingly. To facilitate these two goals, three testing phases wereestablished:Phase 1 - start up and training;Phase 2 - optimization; and,Phase 3 - verification. The virus challenge testing and compromised fiber testing was conducted on multipleoccasions during the performance testing program. The virus seeding tests conducted at various stages of the program indicated that themembranes tested could reject more than 5 logs of viruses, and the integrity of themembrane systems appeared to be sound after the performance testing program.The fiber-breakage tests successfully demonstrated that both the PHT (membrane A) andthe DAFT (membrane B) can effectively detect a single broken fiber on full scalemembrane modules. Also, once the broken fiber is identified, it can be easily repaired,and the integrity of membranes can be fully restored. Includes tables, figures.