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- Understanding and Improving Hybrid Membrane-Sorption Processes
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/05/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
This paper reviews the advantages and disadvantages of current hybrid membrane-sorption (HMS) processes includingrecent research illuminating key limiting mechanisms. When possible, simple modificationsto current HMS process operating protocols are suggested to address some of the limitations. However,several of the disadvantages of the current HMS processes are not resolvable without going to a differentreactor configuration. Subsequently, this paper introduces a novel HMS process configuration that hasgreat promise and would resolve many of the current limitations while maintaining the key advantages.This new HMS process consists of an upflow bed of adsorption media situated directly below oradjacent to a low-pressure membrane system. The upflow bed can be pulsed to remove spent adsorbentfrom the bottom while fresh or regenerated adsorbent can be added at the top of the bed. The proposedHMS process is abbreviated as UFGACC-UF, which stands for Upflow Filter with Granular Adsorbentmoving Countercurrent Continuously - UltraFiltration. Includes 19 references, tables, figures.
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