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- Optimization of Various MBR Systems for Water Reclamation
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/05/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
In October 2001 the City of San Diego and Montgomery Watson Harza were awarded a grantfrom the Bureau of Reclamation to evaluate membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology and itspotential application to wastewater reclamation. Accordingly, four leading commerciallyavailable MBR systems are being operated at the pilot scale level over a 14-month period at thePoint Loma Wastewater Treatment Plant located in San Diego, CA. The four MBR systemsbeing tested include Kubota, US Filter / Jet Tech, Zenon and Mitsubishi Rayon. While the lattertwo systems are well established in the US, the former two systems are currently beingintroduced to the US market. Accordingly, a primary objective of this study is to evaluate theperformance of the new systems, which will in turn provide useful information to utilitiesconsidering MBR technology for wastewater reclamation. A second objective of the study is tocompare the performance of the MBR systems during operation on raw wastewater as opposed toprimary treated effluent. While past studies conducted by the project team have shown thefeasibility of MBR technology for water reclamation using raw wastewater, the use of primarytreated effluent has not been tested. Because primary treated effluent contains a lower amount oforganic matter and solid content than raw wastewater it may be possible to operate the MBRsystems in a more efficient manner which would result in overall cost reduction for waterreclamation using MBR technology. Includes figures.