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- Pilot Testing of MF and UF for Seawater RO Pretreatment
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/05/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
Pilot testing of five microfiltration and ultrafiltration membrane systems and aconventional multi-media filtration system is being conducted in concert with seawaterreverse osmosis membrane desalination, in order to evaluate the effectiveness and cost ofthe various pretreatment systems and the overall cost of desalination using these alternatepretreatment systems. The pilot testing is in progress at the San Patricio Municipal WaterDistrict (SPMWD) site located in Ingleside, Texas, and utilizes seawater from the CorpusChristi Bay. The pilot testing project is being funded by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamationand cost shared by the SPMWD, and all the project partners including the membranemanufacturers.This paper documents the results from the initial three months of testing of the 12-monthdata collection period. Due to operational problems with the intake system, the datacollection was largely suspended from July through November, 2002, due to heavy rainsand flooding at the site. Data collection is expected to resume in December, 2002 andcontinue through August, 2003. Includes tables, figures.
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