• AWWA MTC61154
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  • Construction of Sherwood Correlation of Bovin Serum Albumin (BSA) and Soluble Microbial Products (SMP) During Nanofiltration
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/01/2005
  • Publisher: AWWA


The soluble microbial products (SMP) which are produced by microorganisms (Flavobacterium andStaphylococcus in this study) were known as one of the organic nano-colloids that may cause severemembrane bio-fouling and low bio-stability. The study conducted various characterizations of SMP includingSSF (size, structure, functionality), IR spectra, DBPs, and BDOC/AOC. The SMP exhibited highmolecular weight with ranging from 30,000 to 60,000 g/mol. The mass transfer coefficient of the SMPcan provide very useful information during nanofiltration from the perspective of the concentrationpolarization. Lee et al.(2004) experimentally determined the mass transfer coefficient of natural organicmatters (NOM) during filtration using Sherwood correlation experimentally. This study used twodifferent NF membranes (MWCO < 500 Daltons) to determine the mass transfer coefficient of the SMPand compared that to the value determined by the CDE model. Both the diffusivity and electromobility ofthe SMP were determined by diffusion cell and capillary electrophoresis methods, respectively. Thediffusivity calculated by the Stokes-Einstein equation was dependent only on molecular size; therefore, the study alsoused the diffusion cell to evaluate the diffusivity of the SMP under various different chemical conditions(pH, calcium concentration). The study also conducted a comparison of the mass transfer coefficient of the SMPin terms of surface morphology of different NF membranes. Includes abstract only.

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