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- Increasing Membrane Fouling Resistance Via in-situ Surface Modifications
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/01/2005
- Publisher: AWWA
This study modified commercially-available cellulose acetate ultrafiltrationmembranes using a novel graft polymerization technique. In the technique, membranesurface radicals were formed by inserting the membrane in an oxidant solution fordehydrogenation of end functional groups, the membrane was graft polymerized, andin order to control grafted chain length and density, the membrane was placed in asolution containing a chain transfer agent. Modification led to no significant differencesin membrane roughness with the virgin and modified membranes displaying roughnessvalues of 4.784 and 4.237 nm, respectively. After fouling, the virgin membraneroughness had increased to 23.002 nm, while that of the modified membrane to 12.613nm; that is, a significant decrease in membrane roughness induced by fouling due to themodification. Further, in comparing membrane permeability between the virgin andmodified membranes, it was determined that modification did not affect membranepermeability. Finally and consistently throughout the study, the selectivity of themodified membrane was on average 15% higher than the selectivity of the virginmembrane when the same feed water was filtered through both. Includes 30 references, figures.
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