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- Assessment of Bench- and Pilot-Scale Fouling of Low-Pressure Membranes by NOM Using a Unified Modified Fouling Index
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
The objectives of this slide presentation were to:derive a novel fouling index that canproperly account for the membrane-specificityand reversibility of membranefouling;develop a bench-scale experimental unitsuitable for a unified modified fouling index (UMFI) determination; and,evaluate the impacts of different physicaland chemical factors on UMFI so as toestablish a proper experimental protocol. Specific topics outlined in the presentation pertaining to the Theoretical Basis of UMFI include: Hermia Model for Constant PressureFiltration; Cake Layer Formation and MembraneFouling Indices; Hermia Model for Constant FluxFiltration; Unified Hermia Model; Unified Membrane Fouling Index(UMFI); and, Physical Meaning of UMFI. Topics outlined pertaining to experimental determination of UMFI include:Bench Scale Testing Unit; Diagrams of the Bench Scale Unit; and, Operational Protocol. Topics outlined pertaining to validity of UMFI Method include:the Goodness-of-Fit; and, Scale-Up of UMFI. Topics outlined pertaining to application of UMFI include:Fouling Assessment for MembraneSelection; Assessing Source Water FoulingPotential; and, Assessment of Fouling Control Strategiesfor System Operation. Includes tables, figures.
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