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  • 6 MGD Membrane Design/Build Expansion for Weatherford, Texas
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/01/2007
  • Publisher: AWWA


This presentation describes the planning, design and use of a design/build projectdelivery method for expanding the treatment capacity of the Weatherford, Texas, Water Purification Plant (WPP). In 2005 the City of Weatherford began implementing the planned 6 MGD capacityexpansion of its existing WPP. The treatment capacity of theWPP upon completion of the project will be 12 MGD. Based on the results of pilottesting and a pre-design study, membrane filtration was selected as the treatment processthat met the City's objectives for the plant capacity expansion which included:meeting current and anticipated drinking water regulations;providing a consistent and dependable water supply;providing dependable, consistent operation during high raw water turbidity events(greater than 50 NTU);maintaining optimum operating costs; and,maximize the ultimate treatment capacity of the existing plant site.Use of the membrane filtration process for capacity expansion will enable the City tocomply with current and anticipated finished water requirements during high raw waterturbidity events and provide the desired consistency in operation. Pilot test data indicatedthat operating costs for membrane filtration were optimal given the improvement intreated water quality and the increase in treatment capacity for the existing plant. As aresult of this project, the ultimate capacity for the WPP site will be increased from theoriginal 12 MGD to 18 MGD.An essential goal for the project was to complete the capacity expansion project in timeto comply with the schedule requirements imposed by the Texas Commission onEnvironmental Quality (TCEQ). The TCEQ required that the expanded plant beconstructed and in service by the end of 2006. In addition, the City of Weatherforddesired to have the additional treatment capacity available for at least a portion of the2006 peak demand period. In order to meet these schedule requirements, the City ofWeatherford elected to utilize a non-conventional design/build project delivery method. Includes tables, figures.

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