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- Membrane Filtration for Compliance with the LT2ESWTR: Challenge Testing
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation begins by outlining and overview of Membrane Filtration under theLT2ESWTR that includes Potential Benefits of Challenge Testing, Membrane Filtration Processes, Applicable Membrane Media /Membrane Module Configurations, and Key Membrane Filtration Concepts. Topics outlined under the subject of Challenge Testing include: the purpose of challenge testing is todemonstrate the removal efficiency of amembrane filtration module; Test Organization Qualifications; Challenge Testing Protocol Design; Manufacturer Verification ofProduction Modules; Selecting Modules for Testing; Small-scale Module Testing; Test Equipment and Scale; example of a challenge test schematic; Selecting a Suitable Surrogate; potential surrogates; Maximum Challenge Leveland Sampling; Analysis and Reporting of Challenge Test DataCalculation of the LRV; and, considerations in GrandfatheringChallenge Test Data.
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