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- Membranes to Reduce Trace Organic Substances from River Bank Filtrate - Pilot Study for the Design of 1,100 m3/h Plant
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
Producing drinking water from raw waters like river bank filtrate nowadays requires thesafe removal of ever new emerging organic substances. At present, in Germany perfluorinatedorganic compounds are heavily discussed. When it comes to trace organics removal, reverseosmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) are alternatives to conventional bank filtrate treatmenttechnologies like ozonation and activated carbon adsorption. However, the retentionperformance and trace organics removal monitoring of dense membranes are still underinvestigation. Questions about concentrate disposal strategies are still open. The paper presentsresults from lab-scale and pilot studies which were conducted for the project planning of a 1,100m<sup>3</sip>/h NF plant treating river Rhine bank filtrate. Membranes from loose NF to dense RO wereinvestigated spiking the raw waters with trace organic substances which usually pass the soilpassage and to some extent even the conventional treatment process. The results showed highretention capabilities of the more dense membranes, even under ageing conditions. Includes 7 references, tables, figures.