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- From 0 to 100-MGD in 30 Months: How the San Diego County Water Authority is Implementing the Largest Ultrafiltration Membrane Water Treatment Plant at Twin Oaks Valley with the Design-Build-Operate Process
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
The San Diego County Water Authority (Water Authority) currently imports water from theMetropolitan Water District of Southern California to supply the needs of its 24 memberagencies in San Diego County. The Water Authority has initiated the new Twin Oaks ValleyWater Treatment Plant (TOVWTP) project as part of a $3.2 billion Capital ImprovementProgram to meet the immediate need for additional regional treatment capacity.The facility is designed to produce a base flow of 100-MGD of high quality drinking water withsubmerged ultrafiltration (UF), ozone, biological carbon contactors and chloramination whileaddressing increasingly stringent drinking water regulations, greater consumer demand foraesthetically pleasing tap water and diminished source water quality.This large-scale facility will establish industry benchmarks by incorporating technologicalinnovation and automated process control to optimally leverage operations staffing and waterquality monitoring, environmental value and sustainability (e.g., minimizing residuals andenergy consumption), and addressing public concerns (taste and odor, preserve green space,reduce plant footprint and public impact). As such, TOVWTP will serve as a landmark facilitythat meets the Water Authority's drinking water needs while exerting minimal local impact.This paper covers the unique design, construction and schedule issues associatedwith a large-capacity facility requiring uninterrupted production of 100-MGD of drinkingwater. A key project challenge is meeting a fast-track delivery schedule. CH2M HILL mustdesign, permit, construct, and commission the facility in less than 30 months (by April 15, 2008).Once commissioned, CH2M HILL will be responsible for operations for a period of 15 years.This information will be of interest to municipalities, utilities, regulators, and consultants at allstaff levels who are interested in how a large capacity, state-of-the art drinking water facility isimplemented on a fast-track schedule using an alternative procurement method. Includes tables, figures.