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- Reverse Osmosis Treatment Facilities: Innovative Post Treatment Stabilization Solutions
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation outlines a project on innovative post treatment stabilization solutions using reverse osmosis (RO). The project goals included:provide ability to adapt to changing raw water quality oravailability; and,maintain post-treatment stabilization without a blend source. The project approach included:incorporating lessons learned aboutraw water quality deterioration, material selection, andmaximize flexibility;forward thinking reliability in design,"Legacy Facility"; and,applied approach to post-treatment stabilization ofthe RO permeate.Permeate properties included:unappealing aesthetically;poorly buffered against pH changes; and,corrosive to infrastructure. Permeate Stabilization requirements included: addition of calcium;addition of carbonate alkalinity; and, pH adjustment. Post treatment stabilization fresh water blending included:fresh water blended as percent of permeate flow;utilizing native calcium carbonate hardness;ease of operations; and,cost effective. Includes 5 references, tables, figures.