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- A Hybrid Approach for Enhancement of Water Recovery and Concentrate Minimization
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
As the potential application of brackish water desalination increases, efforts to improveits water recovery are becoming increasingly important. Concentrate management(especially for inland applications) is often the decisive factor that determines theviability of a desalination project because of regulatory, environmental and economicissues. Currently the recovery from conventional configurations and application ofdesalting processes (including reverse osmosis (RO), electrodialysis reversal (EDR),and thermal evaporation processes) is limited, and 20 to 50 percent of the feed streamis wasted as concentrate. This study presents a hybrid approach employingmembrane based treatment steps to improve water recovery of brackish waterdesalination. The study is funded through Awwa Research Foundation (Project #3030:Desalination Product Water Recovery and Concentrate Volume Minimization). Includes 30 references.
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