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- Producing High-Quality Recycled Water for Irrigation of the Pebble Beach, CA Golf Courses
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
In 1994, the Carmel Area Wastewater District, Pebble Beach Community ServicesDistrict, Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, and Pebble Beach Companyformed a public/private joint venture to produce and deliver recycled water for irrigationto seven golf courses in Pebble Beach, California, including world-renowned PebbleBeach Golf Course. Through this venture they began the Water Reclamation Project,including tertiary treatment by sand filtration followed by chlorine disinfection. Shortlyafter start of operation of the new tertiary facilities, the Pebble Beach golf courses beganexperiencing some problems with the turf grass, particularly on the greens. This wasdiscovered to primarily be the result of high sodium concentrations (at times as high as200 mg/L) and high total dissolved solids (TDS) concentrations (at times as high as 1000mg/L). To remedy the problem, the consortium, along with golf course superintendents,turf grass specialists, and Carollo Engineers, began the Salinity Management Project withthe intent of improving the water quality and increasing the quantity of recycled wateravailable for irrigation. As a result of early discussions, the turf grass water qualitycriteria included a maximum sodium concentration of 55 mg/L, maximum SodiumAdsorption Ratio (SAR) of 3.0, maximum adjusted SAR of 4.0, electro-conductivityrange of 350 to 450 micro-mhos/cm [corresponding TDS range of approximately 225 to290 mg/L], and pH range of 6.3 to 7.3. Microfiltration (MF) followed by reverse osmosis(RO) was selected to meet this water quality criteria. MF will also allow the treatmentfacilities to continue to meet the California Title 22 requirements for unrestricted use ofrecycled water. Several chemical feed systems, such as calcium hydroxide and gypsum,are also included to help meet the turf grass water quality criteria and to help stabilize thecorrosive RO permeate. Includes tables, figures.
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