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  • Treatment of Dilute Wastewater Using an Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/01/2007
  • Publisher: AWWA


Membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology combines the functions of a biologicalreactor with membrane separation. The MBR replaces two stages of the conventionalactivated sludge process (biotreatment and clarification) with a single, integrated process.The main advantages of MBRs include reduced footprint, reduced sludge production dueto a high biomass concentration in the bioreactor, and higher quality product water.The most substantial drawback of MBRs is membrane fouling. Fouling causes permeateflux decline and increases the frequency of membrane cleaning and replacement.Approximately 98% of MBR systems are aerobic MBRs. They have mostlybeen used to treat domestic and industrial wastewater, where a small footprint is required,water reuse is desired, or stringent discharge standards exist. In recent years there hasbeen growing attention towards the use of anaerobic MBRs (AnMBRs), due to theiradvantages over aerobic systems, such as lower sludge production and reduced energyrequirements.Despite these advantages, anaerobic MBRs are a slow-developing technology,mainly because of fouling problems. Much progress has been made in the study offouling mechanisms in aerobic MBRs, but the same cannot be said for anaerobic MBRs.Fouling in anaerobic systems is still poorly understood. Although it has beenestablished that struvite, bacterial cells, and colloidal matter are major membrane foulants, there is still limited information on the role of extracellular polymeric substances(EPS) and soluble microbial products (SMP) on the fouling of anaerobic MBRmembranes.Furthermore, a novel approach in anaerobic MBRs is represented by thesubmerged configuration. At present time there is very little information about thisconfiguration, and specifically, only two studies (Fawehinmi et al. 2005 and Hu andStukey 2006) have been identified in the literature concerning submerged anaerobicMBRs.The main objectives of the current study are to investigate the influence ofoperating conditions on the production of EPS and SMP in submerged AnMBRs and todetermine the role of these metabolic byproducts on membrane fouling. Includes 6 references, figure.

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