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- Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration Membranes - Are They Commodity Items?
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation outlines a topics concerning whether low pressure reverse osmosis (LPRO) and nanofiltration (NF) membranes are considered "commodity items". The Basis of Topic includes these points:LPRO and NF membranes commonly viewed byowners and consultants as "commodity items";most LPRO and NF membranes now procured viastraight capital cost bid;evaluated bids more common in the past (1980s);can be significant operational parameters(feedwater pressure and acid use) differencesbetween and within the various manufacturers;should industry be looking at evaluated bidsagain?The General Basis of Analysis includes these topics:three raw water qualities assumed - Florida Moderately Hard Groundwater,Ohio Very Hard Groundwater,Florida Moderately Brackish Groundwater;three suppliers of membranes to municipalmarket; manufacturer-specific membraneperformance projection software;apples to apples as much as possible;typical design criteria for eachapplication;on per 1.0 mgd basis; and,only feedwater pressure and acidconsidered. Topics covered include: Descriptions of Raw Water Sources;Cost Development;Present Worth Analysis; and,Membrane Price Differentials. Includes tables.
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