• AWWA MTC64640
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  • Performance of New Generation Ceramic Membranes Using Coagulation and Ozonation Pretreatment
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 03/01/2007
  • Publisher: AWWA


New generation ceramic membranes have been recently introduced to the U.S. market. Thesemembrane products exhibit unique advantages over currently available polymeric membranes,due to improvements in materials and design. Ceramic membranes are mechanically superior topolymeric membranes and more resistant to severe chemical environments (chemical andthermal), allowing ceramic membranes to perform more efficiently than existing polymericmembranes under rigorous operating conditions.Ceramic membranes are able to operate at higher filtration fluxes, experience higher feedwaterrecoveries, operate with more efficient backwash operations using high pressures, operate atextended backwash intervals, and have low chemical cleaning requirements, while experiencinglong membrane life without breakage. They are becoming cost competitive with conventionalpolymeric membranes for applications and have a strong potential for drinking water treatment.However, limited cost information exists for application of the ceramic membrane in the U.S.Currently, MWH is conducting a cost evaluation for the application of ceramic membranescompared to existing polymeric membrane systems designed for large-scale applications. This paper discusses the results of pilot studies designed to investigate the application of newgeneration ceramic membranes for water and wastewater treatment, focusing on specificproperties described above. Few pilot studies with ceramic membranes have been performed,most of which have occurred outside of the U.S. To the authors' knowledge, this study is thefirst pilot study performed in the U.S. to evaluate ceramic membranes using full-scale membranemodules to treat surface water. Includes figures.

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