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- Planning, Piloting and Preliminary Design of an Integrated Membrane Surface Water Treatment Plant: City of Sugar Land's Experiences
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of the City of Sugar Land's plans to build a surface water treatment plant of9 mgd initial capacity, with 22 mgd ultimate capacity to meet the Fort Bend Subsidence District mandatedreduction of groundwater use requirement by30% by 2013, and 60% by 2025. Pilot testing goals included the following:confirm that the selected treatment train canmeet the City's water quality goals;establish key design/operating criteria to enable"right sizing" of treatment processes; and,meet TCEQ requirements for pilot testing of"innovative technologies". The benchmark treatment train is presented, along with the pilot treatment train, and the microfiltration/ultrafiltration (MF/UF) pilot testing program. Testing results are provided for the following: MF/UF testing; reverse osmosis (RO) testing; clarifier pilot testing; and, granular activated carbon (GAC) testing. Recommended next steps include the following:simulate pretreatment process upset;MF/UF testing under process upset mode;MF/UF fiber cut demonstration;pilot facility decommissioning;draft pilot test report preparation; and,complete corrosion coupon tests. Includes tables, figures.
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