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- Impact of Coagulation Pretreatment of Tertiary UF Membranes on EDC and Phosphorus Removal and Membrane Performance
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by presenting research objectives for completed work and work in progress. Objectives for completed work include: identifying the impacts of total suspended solids and colloidalnatural organic matter on short- and long-term membrane foulingrates;determining the doses of aluminium sulphate and ferric chloridethat maximized total phosphorus removal at the benchscale, andthen determining the efficacy of these doses when applied at the pilotscale through in-line addition; and,evaluating the impact of coagulant pretreatment of the secondaryeffluent feed source on fouling rates and transmembrane pressureloss.Objectives for work in progress include:determining the fate mechanisms of endocrine disruptingcompounds (EDCs) during tertiary membrane treatment throughquantitative chemical analyses and bioassays (yeast estrogenicityscreening [YES] and sex-specific binding protein [SSBP] test. The research setup of an ultrafiltration (UF) pilot at the Guelph Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), Ontario, Canada, is presented, along with membrane specifications, UF and phosphorus removal, UF fouling, and UF and Endocrine Disrupting Compounds. Includes 26 references, figures.