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- Standardized Bench-Scale System for Low-Pressure, Hollow-Fiber Membrane Filtration in Water Treatment
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2009
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of low pressure membranes (LPMs). The objectives of this research were to: establish a standardized bench-scale testingsystem for low-pressure, hollow-fibermembranes;develop appropriate parameters to bedetermined with the system; and,validate the applicability of the system tomembranes employed in large-scale watertreatment. A standardized bench-scale system for LPHFmembranes is presented, including configurations,components/parts, testing protocols, andproperties of membranes and feedwaters. Presentation conclusions include: a standardized bench-scale testing system wasdeveloped for LPHF membranes used in large-scalewater treatment;membrane performances can be evaluatedquantitatively using UMFIs and removal efficiencies(or contaminant levels in the permeate);the bench-scale system served as a convenient toolfor the assessment and, potentially, quantitativeprediction of the performance of realistic membranes. Includes tables, figures.
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