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- An Update on Membrane Water Reuse Projects
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1995
- Publisher: AWWA
There is increasing interest in the use of membrane processing of wastewater for reuse as industrial process water, groundwater recharge, and irrigation. For many years, Orange County's Water Factory 21 was essentially the only installation, but now the technology is starting to come of age. Status reports are presented on five current projects. The 1 mgd San Pasqual, California, facility (which began operation in 1994) processes municipal effluent for irrigation. The 0.2 mgd Vero Beach, Florida, facility (which began operation in 1992) processes filtered secondary effluent for reuse in a power plant. The 0.75 mgd Livermore, California, demonstration project (which has a planned 1996 startup date) will process filtered secondary effluent for groundwater recharge and irrigation with proposed eventual expansion to about 6 mgd. The 0.05 mgd Scottsdale, Arizona, pilot facility processes municipal secondary effluent, with a proposed full-scale expansion in stages to about 40 mgd for groundwater recharge and irrigation. The 2.3 mgd Chandler, Arizona, facility (which has a planned 1996 startup date) will process industrial effluent from a semiconductor chip manufacturing facility for recharge. Operational data and process design aspects of these projects are compared, including pretreatment, membrane type, flux, disinfection method, and recovery.
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