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- Partner for Safe Water Phase III Update and Results
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/1998
- Publisher: AWWA
The Partnership for Safe Water (PSW) was developed in a cooperative effort by six different associations, agencies, and companies. The purpose of the Partnership is to encourage US water suppliers to survey their utilities to identify areas that will enhance the water system's ability to prevent entry of Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and other microbial contaminants into treated water and to voluntarily implement those actions that are appropriate for the system. The PSW has a peer review process that reviews utility self-assessment reports and makes recommendations concerning the acceptability of Phase III reports from utilities. To achieve recognition for Phase III, participating utilities are required to develop and submit a completion report, which is assessed against fourteen parameters developed by the Partnership as tools for use by the peer review process. These assessment parameters are grouped into five broad categories: performance; administrative; operation; design; and overall. When the reviewers have reached consensus on all fourteen parameters, a recommendation is made for or against certification. At the end of the review, the overall ranking of the fourteen parameters are sorted from strongest to those that need work, and this input is given back to the utility in written format. This paper discusses the fourteen assessment parameters in detail.