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- Developing an Innovative, Large-Scale Hardwood Tree Plantation for Effluent Reuse in South Carolina's Grand Strand
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2000
- Publisher: AWWA
The Grand Strand Water and Sewer Authority (GSWSA), located in Conway, SouthCarolina, provides water and wastewater services to one of the country's fastestgrowing coastal areas, the Grand Strand. The Grand Strand is a 60-mile stretch ofcoastal area spanning from the state's northeastern border to its historicGeorgetown. Against a backdrop of steady growth, in 1971, GSWSA formed to providewater and wastewater services to the fast-growing, unincorporated areas of Horryand Georgetown Counties, which comprise a large portion of the Grand Strand. Tomeet steady population growth in its service area, GSWSA determined that therewas a need to expand its J.L. Schwartz wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in thenear future. The plant currently discharges approximately 8 million gallons perday of secondary effluent to the Waccamaw River. GSWSA began a process ofidentifying suitable alternatives to surface discharge of effluent from its J.L.Schwartz WWTP. A short rotation intensive culture hardwood tree plantation wasselected as the best alternative and a small demonstration project was planted.This paper discusses the implementation of this project including sitedevelopment challenges, and the public and private partnering relationshipbetween GSWSA and a forest products company. The preliminary results from thefirst growing season are reported and an overview of the full-scale project isprovided. Includes tables.
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