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- San Antonio Water System Recycled Water Program: An Alternative Water Supply-Short Term Management Resource
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2000
- Publisher: AWWA
San Antonio, Texas, is an urbanized area occupying approximately 75% of BexarCounty within south Texas. The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) has one of thelargest water recycling systems under development in the country. SAWS WaterRecycling Centers produce between 116 to 120 million gallons per day (mgd) oftertiary treated recycled water. This volume equates to approximately130,000-acre feet of recycled water per year. Within the recycled water balance,SAWS delivers approximately 40,000-acre feet per year of recycled water to theCity (San Antonio) Public Service for use in their cooling lakes as part ofelectric power generation. The last component of the water balance leaves35,000-acre feet per year for SAWS Water Recycling Program. This program willprovide non-potable water for irrigation, cooling towers, commercial andindustrial customers. Thirty-five thousand acre feet per year will reduce SAWS'overall water demand by 20% from the Edwards Aquifer, the region's sole sourcegroundwater supply. The water recycling program is a short-term solution within along-term water strategy, which anticipates sustaining and promoting economicdevelopment within a region confronting dynamic water resource issues. This paperdescribes SAWS' recycled water program including system design, marketincentives, public participation and planning. Includes 12 references.